Technically 'l4d2 game info', haven't changed name. sm_directormenu (Same as sm_specialmenu for now).sm_specialmenu - Show the spawn menu for director spawning.sm_cursormenu - Show the spawn menu for cursor spawning.sm_forcecursor - Force spawn a special at cursor, bypassing spawn limits.sm_forcespecial - Force spawn a special via director, bypassing spawn limits.sm_spawnspecial - Spawn a special via director.mandirector_enable_mob - Should mobs be allowed to be spawned.mandirector_enable_witch - Should witches be allowed to be spawned?.mandirector_enable_tank - Should tanks be allowed to be spawned?.0 - None, 1 - Only bosses, 2 - Only specials+, 3 - Everything mandirector_announce_level - Announcement types.mandirector_notify_spawn - Should spawning specials notify on use?.manual_director_version|mandirector_version.allows you to spawn specials on cursor, or via director, forcefully, bypassing limits Probably going to be posted publicly sometime. knifehp_amount - Amount of health to give attacker.knifehp_max_health - Maximum health to set an attacker to.knifehp_enable - Enable regaining health on knife kill.On knife kill, gives the player 100 HP (configurable) Not always the latest versions, if you have any interest with plugins I can make sure to upload the latest. This is a collection of all the sourcemod plugins I've created, most are just used for my own servers and some for very specific needs.