Also, if there are white buildings close to or protruding into the sky, the AI and the Refine Tools simply cannot differentiate between the sky and building so the bleed can’t be removed.A nice and simple interface with decent features for newbies. Where the feature does fall though, is that the Refine Tool can cause blocking around the focal point when the sky replacement bleeds onto the subject is removed.

Sky Swap AI is generally a great performer with the mixture of AI application and manual control, with the ability to refine the effect using the Refine Tools.

But it’s safe to say that results are exactly what you’d expect from high-end software catering to the needs of all levels of photographers, from enthusiast to professional. Overall, results are on par with direct competitors such as Adobe Lightroom and Capture One, although all three naturally handle things like colour, noise and sharpening slightly differently. Here's a more successful result – though you may need to make some manual adjustments to make reflections look more realistic, for example. They are the basis for ON1 Photo RAW's large collection of preset effects. These Effects/Filters provide a high degree of control and also include many useful effects such as colour control and black & white conversions with other useful and popular effects including film grain, noise reduction, borders and even effects like bleach bypass. These are presented in different tabs but have some overlapping functions, which takes a little getting used to. There is a split between the basic 'develop' adjustment and enhancement tools, and the program's large selection of Effects. It is slightly different to the competition in the way that you access some controls and adjustments, although it does follow the standard of having the main controls situated on the righthand side of the interface so it’s exactly what you’d expect in this respect. ON1 Photo RAW 2022 is presented familiarly with two main tabs for accessing the catalog and editing controls, which keeps things nice and simple in terms of layout and workflow. There's a lot going on in the ON1 Photo RAW 2022 interface, but it follows the usual conventions of having a browsing panel in the left sidebar and adjustment tools on the right. These are just a few of the new features and improvements – there are simply too many to list. You can create time-lapse video from stills with the ability to remove flickering and the Line Mask Tool is like the Polygonal Lasso in Photoshop and provides the same level of control as the Pen Tool but is much easier to use, making it ideal for creating both simple and complex selections. It's interesting to see how AI-driven sky swapping has taken off – it's not just Skylum Luminar AI that can do this any more. New features include NoNoise built in (previously sold separately), which handles noise reduction well and applies fantastic sharpening results, Sky Swap AI, which makes light work of swapping skies, and a new ability to run Photoshop Actions within the software with ease.
Not to mention, this latest version of Photo Raw is packed with a host of new features that make it a great upgrade option for existing users, as well as an extremely attractive proposition to new users. Everything you need to process your images with excellent results is available including standard adjustments, local adjustments, distortion correction and much more.